Reshaping the FIBC industry with rPET FIBC's

A sustainable alternative to virgin PP FIBC’s

We are looking for partners in the UK, The Netherlands and Scandinavia to test and experience the benefits of using rPET FIBC’s as a sustainable alternative to virgin PP FIBC’s. The rPET FIBC’s are certified, made from 96% recycled PET, recyclable and originate from a fully certified production facility with EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) approval in progress. The rPET fabric and FIBC’s are produced in Europe and we have different sizes of FIBC’s and bulk bags on stock for testing in your facilities. Interested? Please be invited to connect with us:

For NNZ UK: Simon Ainscough
For NNZ Benelux: Dirk Wiggerink
For NNZ Skandinavia: Jens Christian Mørch

2021 Collega’s Magazijn Groningen (3)
Using rPET FIBC’s will help our industry to meet sustainability goals set out by the UN and boost the circular economy by increasing recycled content of material.
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